Welcome to your Cosmic Membership

Detailed, exclusive content to support you no matter what you’re going through.

When times are good, this portal can help you keep track of your evolution and check in with the energy.

When times are rocky, these readings will shed light and give you a fresh perspective. I’m here to work through it all with you.

My offerings to you

  • Monthly Overview

    Each month you’ll get an audio reading for the month ahead that explains the key relevant themes to help you get a macro understanding of the astrology at play that month.


    Rather than monthly horoscopes, my Mars horoscopes are designed to show you exactly where you have the most power and potential for success, to give you permission to align, let go of other areas, and know what to focus on. Mars has a two year cycle and an upcoming retrograde December 2024 - February 2025, so you want to stay empowered with divine knowledge.

  • Key Dates for your Diary

    I like to work in tune with the Moon and organise my life in keeping with nature. These monthly dates identify days of strong energy so you know when to schedule your important events so they have the best astrology. Call it cosmic organisation!

  • Exclusive Audio Readings 

    Members-only astrology readings and essays on Mercury retrogrades throughout the year and other key events! Members also get access to detailed online courses, and blog posts designed to deepen your astrological understanding. Before you know it you’ll be your own expert astrologer!


Choose Your Plan

The Members Area: Monthly
Every month
The Members Area: Annual
Every year

Direct Access to the Cosmos, All the time.


below are some commonly asked questions about membership. If you want to know more, you can always email me directly here.
  • All membership content is lovingly made by Hedy Noemi, the founder of Nymph of Neptune. All audio readings, horoscopes and astrology essays are crafted in devotion.

  • Yes.

  • Anyone who signs up to membership will gain knowledge of the Vedic astrology system, and gain a deeper insight to the potential of each month’s moon cycles. You will gain tools for your spiritual practice and learn how your life is affected by the movement of the planets.

  • This membership is for anyone who wants to tap into the monthly moon cycles, and enjoy the insights of a horoscope each month to help confirm or identify energy shifts. This membership will help you become more connected to the wider cosmos, and situate your personal experience within the astrological context.