Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni (Leo)
The Lunar eclipse on 13th/14th March is the first of 2025, and brings in transformation to all our partnerships.
Happening in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, the constellation of patronage and long-lasting collaborations, this eclipse will bring a sweeping change to some important partnerships in our lives, as well as strengthen the bonds that promise to stand the test of time.
Eclipses are not times for quick movements but important portals where it is preferable to sit in the stillness, quieten the mind, and listen to what the universe is trying to teach us.
The Sun is conjunct Saturn just before this eclipse, on the 11th March, so if you’re reading this past the date, take a moment to contemplate how Saturn - the planet of boundaries, discipline and patience, might be showing up in your life. Saturn may be putting the brakes on certain aspects of your life in order to teach you something. This is just temporary, because after the 15th, the Sun will enter Pisces so will be free from Saturn’s heaviness. After the 15th for the next few weeks until April 1st, the Sun will have the creativity and light of Venus to imbue all our interactions with more sweetness and understanding. Venus and the Sun travelling together in Pisces for the last half of March should bring more ease into the picture. Once the eclipse happens, there may be a feeling of relief, as heightened emotions find ground again.
The audio reading above is just a snippet of the extended Eclipse readings that Members enjoy, as well as 12 horoscopes for each Lunar and Solar eclipse. Saturn changes signs on the 29th March for the first time since January 2023, so i will be giving insights to this upcoming shift which will have a lasting impact upon many lives.
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Love, Nymph of Neptune
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