New Moon in Shravana (Capricorn)


Blue collage evocative of Capricorn’s trademark blue tone.

The New Moon on January 29th is in the nakshatra of Shravana, part of Capricorn zodiac sign in vedic astrology.

If you’re new here, nakshatra is a sanskrit word for lunar mansion, or constellation. Let’s dive into the significance of Shravana and what gifts this moon cycle has to offer us. 

This next month between now and February 28th, is a time to listen with compassion to everyone around us. Sravana is symbolised by the ear, and is known for bringing messages from the divine, directly to your ear. Wisdom that would help you see something from a different perspective could come through a stranger, or randomly arrive in conversation with someone new. The lesson this month is to stay open to conversation, or listening for signs that guide you along your path.

Vishnu is the ruler of this New Moon, and as the god of maintenance and the preserver of the universe, this month is an excellent time to nurture or repair things and important people in your life.

The mythology behind this moon cycle teaches us that we must not be egotistical, nor must we underestimate ourselves. This month is the one to shoot for the stars, dream big, and strive to reach your highest potential.

Listen to the free audio reading to find out why this is so.

Key New Moon gifts this month:

This New Moon is here to help you reach your fullest potential, to find solutions that streamline your efforts and make everything a little bit more efficient. Listen compassionately to your neighbour in the coming weeks, and you might learn something you didn’t know you needed to hear.

Members are enjoying New Moon horoscopes to find out exactly in what life area this cycle will offer opportunities. Scroll down to join us and learn more about your personal astrology!

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

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I love giving you guys a free New Moon reading every month, because I believe the heart of astrology lies in the monthly Moon Cycles. That’s why i set up my monthly membership, to be able to give you more detailed content, including New Moon horoscopes to read for your rising sign, monthly audio overviews, and planetary forecasts.

Click below to explore January’s readings and enter your year of the Snake equipped with divine knowledge!

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Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

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