New Moon in GEMINI


June’s New Moon came in at the final degrees of Gemini, and even in the Vedic system is in the chatty, sociable sign of the twins. There is a deeper facet to this moon cycle however. Pluto, the ruler of transformation, death and re-birth is sitting in harmonious alignment with both Ceres and Vesta. These are two feminine stars that rule nourishment and devotion. So there is a deeper, subtler layer to this New Moon that we can tap into if we need. How? Through prayer, meditation and contemplation, these stars can be activated and you can reap the benefits.

For those of you busy with work projects and collaborations, the two weeks between June 18th and July 3rd are great for pushing forward with those creative endeavours and digging deep into your partnerships.

Meanwhile, Saturn has stationed retrograde on the exact same day as this New Moon and will stay retrograde until November 4th. So wherever you have Pisces ruling your chart is where you will experience a slower pace over the next five months.

Particularly in the weeks following this new moon, obstacles or internal questions may arise regarding why you are pursuing certain goals. Saturn retrograde is a time to enjoy the slower pace externally, so you can look within and re-commit to the values that fuel your purpose.

Click above to listen to the free audio reading, and head to the “Readings” page to book a private session with me.

Love, Nymph of Neptune 



What Members are enjoying this New Moon:

I created 12 summer horoscopes for this New Moon in Gemini to help you understand the astrology of the next two weeks and make the most of your start to summer.


Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

New Moon in LEO (Ashleesha)


New Moon in TAURUS