July 2024
(scroll down for key dates and your Mars Horoscope for Summer 2024)
2024 is speeding past, and I have no doubt July 2024 will do the same. This month we have a much more nourishing, positive Moon Cycle that begins with the New Moon on July 5th in the nakshatra of Punarvasu.
The striking thing is that Venus and Mercury move very quickly into Leo this year, which means July has a more courageous, bold, fiery feel than your typical emotional Cancer season. This time of year is always about the heart, spending time with loved ones, summer bbqs if you’re in the northern hemisphere, and generally putting worldly career goals on the back burner. This July is no different, and especially with Mercury in Leo, there can be lots of opportunities to speak from the heart, to wear your feelings on your sleeve, and move with courage. That’s what the evolved side of Leo is all about.
Mercury is with Vesta for the middle chunk of the month - which as Vesta is the asteroid of spirituality, the fire element, and keeping the flame alive within the temple, this is great for spiritual pursuits. For any of you with a desire to deepen your meditation practice or connect with the elements, July is the month to dive in. Also for writing and poetry pursuits, this astrology will support you and summon the muses.
On the 15th, Mars links up with Uranus in Taurus, which is a rare and useful day to help something change, within and without. I have no idea how this will manifest for you - because Uranus rules the unexpected! It’s great for adventure, sports, sex, but also epiphanies and creative ideas. In short - it’s a feisty day that can help get you out of a rut.
Mark your diaries for the Full Moon on the 21st, which promises to be interesting. Mercury is square Uranus so you could feel buzzed and motivated to dive into your projects. Channel the energy wisely & stay grounded!
How to move through July: Embrace your feelings, let go of the hard stuff that's weighing you down, and have the difficult conversations - while always speaking from the heart. Make space for spirituality, use candles (Vesta is active this month). Write if you find that helpful (Mercury is very active and can help you change something through writing).
How not to move through July: Dwell on past pain, stay in the shadows for fear of criticism, resist any outlandish ideas. While Cancer season helps you connect to your feelings, the shadow side of Cancer can be overly nostalgic, to the point of keeping us living in the past. Listen to what your heart is telling you so you can figure out what you want to create moving forward. Ask for the courage you need to move past blocks. The stars of July will give it to you!
Click below to listen to the audio version of July's astrology overview!
Or scroll down to get your Mars in Taurus horoscope that will give you wings until August 26th,
With Love,
Hedy Noemi
Monthly insights
Click below to listen to my thoughts on the energy for the month ahead & check out the calendar below for some key dates!
july 12th - august 26th 2024
As you know if you listened to the audio for July, i’m giving you Mars horoscopes for what is one of the most important transits of the year.
I want you to stay informed so you know how to maximise this Mars energy for your rising sign.
If you don’t know your rising sign in Vedic, click here to email me and i will provide your Vedic chart for you, so you can make the most of this exclusive content.
Mars in Taurus is moving through your 2nd house of income, savings and financial stability. It is also affecting your zone of intimacy, wealth and transformation, and has an 8th aspect on your house of spirituality and learning. There could be deep wisdom accessed now, as the 8th aspect is always one of transformation and rebirth. Your finances, and your personal transformation perhaps within intimacy or a romantic relationship are both your focus now.
Mars in your sign for the first time in two years is an exciting, invigorating transit, that also stirs up your home sector, your relationship sector, and your intimacy/wealth sector. This transit will give you a lot more physical energy, you might find that together with Jupiter in your sign, there are lots of new opportunities calling your attention. Be proactive, and notice how these sectors mentioned are showing up for you. What needs to be addressed?
Mars in Taurus transits your sleepy 12th house of spirituality, sex, and meditation, but also has aspects on your house of communication and courage, your work and health sector, and your relationship zone. You might feel more determined than ever now to use your voice and kickstart your own projects. This is a courageous transit for you, so be proactive in making changes to your health and daily routine to come out the other side feeling satisfied.
Mars in Taurus is in your 11th house of friendships and networking, meanwhile it has an aspect on your financial savings zone, your house of love and romance, and your daily routine and health. This is a busy time for you, and Mars in Taurus should help you get out of your comfort zone and mingle with new faces. In terms of your money, this time until end of August should help you perfect and finesse your spending habits, and maybe even create a future plan for more wealth.
Leo this transit of Mars is in your 10th house of career, higher achievements and public reputation. This will also aspect your ascendant, meaning you'll feel more energised and driven than usual. Focus this energy and channel it wisely into projects that are important for you. This transit also impacts your home sector, and knowledge/romance sector of the heart and casual romance. Phew - lots to integrate! Stay active and away from things that could distract.
Mars in Taurus is bringing you the courage to learn something new, travel and get out of your comfort zone as it's in your 9th house of higher study and travel. It will also trigger your 12th house of expenses, sex and sleep, which might be areas that demand your attention. Mars in Taurus will also aspect your house of courage, your communication and has an 8th aspect on your home sector. This is also your emotional home, and the 8th aspect is one of transformation, so don't be surprised if you're working through some unexpected emotions during this time.
Mars in Taurus is sitting in your 8th house of wealth, intimacy and transformation. It will be affecting your zone of networking and friendships, making you bold and courageous, perhaps willing to meet new people. Don't be surprised if others seem intimidated, or better - impressed with your presence. This is good energy to conquer your financial world and figure out how to better save for the future. Your voice and communication might undergo a transformation during this time. Either you learn to speak up, or to be less argumentative and harsh in tone.
Mars is your sign's ruler, and this time Mars is in your relationship and marriage house, stirring up some conflict, or simply the desire to solve all problems and fix things. Mars has a conquering aspect on your career zone, meaning you have good strength to take a risk in that department and pursue your goals confidently. Mars has an 8th transformative aspect on your financial and savings zone, meaning you could use this time to make deep changes to how you use your money, and how you plan for the future. There could be a radical change that you make related to finances, or simply to your abundance mindset.
Mars in Taurus is in your 6th house of work, health, daily routine, and has a conquering aspect on your travel and luck zone. These next couple months could be deeply transformative for you, as Mars has an 8th aspect, which is one of re-birth, on your sign - Sagittarius! This means the more you make proactive, healthy changes to your daily routine, diet and workouts, you might see surprisingly deeper results. Your sex life could undergo some changes, as Mars has an aspect on your zone of sleep and sex.
Mars in Taurus is in your 5th house of romance, knowledge and the heart, stirring up your desire to express yourself and feel more. This also has an impact on your intimate life, your internal emotional world and your sexuality. Your sleep could be disturbed, or your dreams could be revealing. What wants to be expressed that you would normally shy away from?
Mars in Taurus is in your 4th house of the home, your family, and has a conquering aspect on your relationships and marriage. The transformation is happening for you in your friendship circles, your network and your community. Who do you surround yourself with? If you feel restless or there is pent up energy within, channel it through activities at home like cooking, baking or more outdoor sports. Within all your 1-1 interactions, including for business, you will have the benefit of a strong Mars meaning you won't have to try hard to get your way. Watch for any hot headedness.
Mars in Taurus is in your 3rd house of courage, expression and using your voice. This means you'll have extra confidence in speaking your feelings out loud during these months. For resolving conflict, or taking a stance, this is a very potent time. Just watch out for overpowering others in group dynamics. If an extra push from Mars is what you need now, trust that you have the support to be bold and say the thing you might normally push under the rug. Honesty is the best policy now. Mars in Taurus helps you conquer your work life and daily routine, so you should leave August feeling fit and on top of your responsibilities.
Key dates for the upcoming month…
Listen to the audio above for current Monthly insights or check out key dates below.
I’ve changed the format of Key Dates presentation - they are now in a simple list format, no multiple pages…
Just a good old-fashioned list here below so you can see what days hold unique or particular energy!
July Unique Energy Dates
24/07 - Moon with Saturn retrograde. Slow down, check the engine, what needs fixing? Tend to the structure or organisation of your life.
22/07 - 28/07 - Venus in Cancer travelling with asteroid Vesta. Very spiritual and good for gentle insights, lovely interactions with female friends.
25/07 - Moon is with Neptune, a healing day to take it slow and prioritise self care, despite what your work agenda might say. Take some time out of your schedule to do something creative, or just allow yourself to daydream during your lunchbreak.
26/07 - Friday evening the Moon is with healing comet Chiron. This is an evening for self-care, or uniting with those you love most. Healing moments can come through a shared meal.
27/07 - Mars enters Rohini nakshatra. This is still within Taurus zodiac sign, but Mars takes on a juicy, creative flavour as Rohini is one of the most sensual, creative nakshatras always in pursuit of physical pleasure and self-expression.