Mercury retrograde in Magha/Ashleesha



It's that time of year again. On August 5th, just a day after the New Moon in Ashleesha, Mercury in Leo turns retrograde, in the nakshatra of Magha. This is a curious and unique part of the Leo zodiac sign. It's a constellation that is ruled by the Pitrus, the deities of the ancestors. The next few weeks will see Mercury retrograde back through Leo and into emotional Cancer, before turning direct on August 29th. Unlike what you might hear from other outlets, this is a time ripe with opportunity for integration. Mercury rules how we connect with others, he is our planetary antenna and ruler of our nervous system. If we consider that our experience is deeply affected by our perception, then Mercury retrograde is a great chance to find a new perspective, and upgrade our lens through which we see the world.

Magha nakshtra relates to our ancestors, so it's an excellent time for past life regression, exploring your family's history and connecting to your roots. This could even be through conversations with parents, or getting curious about unknown stories revealing the hidden talents of your grandparents. What secret jewels lie within your psyche that were handed down to you? This August could be the month to awaken your own dorment gifts, with the help of your ancestors. Through connecting to the past this month, we weave a new, more authentic story in the present. Paying respects to your father and healing any unresolved family wounds will also do wonders to make the most of this Mercury retrograde.

If your career is on your mind then this Mercury retrograde in Magha will also be useful for networking with important authority figures. This is a constellation of power. When in the zodiac sign of Leo, Mercury bestows us with the ability to speak proudly, with intention, and great effect. Notice the power of your words this month, especially when speaking to employees, colleagues or those in high positions of power. The deeper wisdom hidden within Magha nakshatra, is the understanding that often when you have a position of power, it is due to the authority of someone else. A president needs the people to vote them into their rulership. So whether you are on summer holiday, or still pursuing your personal goals this August, use Mercury retrograde to understand the true power of your words, both written and spoken. Enjoy the process of connecting to family roots, and rediscovering your lineage. Honour the importance of those who bestowed your gifts in you.

From the 22nd August to the 4th September, Mercury will be back in Cancer, in the seductive Ashleesha nakshatra that's excellent for research, private matters and personal transformation. Your yoga or spiritual practice could deepen during this time, as Ashleesha rules the awakening of our kundalini. So while the first half of August is great for strategising, communicating and pursuing external aims, the last two weeks take on a more mystical energy. Embrace it!

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

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Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

Full Moon in Dhanishta (Aquarius)


New Moon in Ashleesha (Cancer)