Full Moon in Dhanishta (Aquarius)


The audio reading above is a short snippet of what Members are enjoying this Full Moon, as well as Journalling prompts, an extended written blog post, and a zodiac wheel where you can find out exactly where this Full Moon is happening in your life. 

This Full Moon on August 19th is happening in Aquarius, exactly opposite Mercury retrograde in Leo, and Venus in Purva Phalguni nakshatra, a constellation where Venus is happy and wants to connect. There’s a lot of astrology happening now which focusses our attention on relationships, contracts and connections. At the same time this Full Moon occurs in the sky - Venus is opposing Saturn retrograde. So this Full Moon wants you to nurture the important relationships you have, while also noticing which connections can take a back burner seat for a while. Saturn retrograde might have you thinking seriously about what you need from others. 

The Full Moon happens in Dhanishta nakshatra, which is ruled by Mars….to find out what this means for you, scroll down to sign up to membership, grab a favourite juice or hot drink, your journal, and contemplate what this Full Moon means to you personally.

Click below to sign up, you can cancel anytime. 

Love, Nymph of Neptune 

P.S - I love to chat, so if you feel like reaching out and asking questions about readings, courses or membership - email me.

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I love giving you guys a free New Moon reading every month, because I believe the heart of astrology lies in the monthly Moon Cycles. That’s why i set up my monthly membership, to be able to give you more detailed content, including New Moon mini horoscopes for your rising sign & monthly Full Moon audio readings. Click below to check it out and sign up.

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Nymph of Neptune

I deal with all life areas, including but not limited to career, personal power, relationships, and family conditioning. My sessions will help you become the most authentic version of yourself.


New Moon in Purva Phalguni (Leo)


Mercury retrograde in Magha/Ashleesha